Tuesday 22 September 2015

Islam, Radicalism, and Freedom

Pew Research Center (PRC), which focuses on the issues of religion and public life, has released the results of their research on 2 April 2015, The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050. It mentioned that Islam was the most developed religion. This is because of the religion’s rate of growth and bigger size of the population of young people.

If the trend rate of growth and size of the population continues, some things are projected to occur in 2050. Firstly, the number of Muslims will increase and equivalent to the number of Christians. Secondly, the number of atheists, agnostics, and those who are not affiliated to any religion will decrease in the total world population. Thirdly, the population of Buddhists all over the world will be the same as that recorded in 2010, while the population of Hindus and Jews will increase.

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